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Welcome to HydroSym Tutorials!

In this 4 minute Quick start video we will go through main features of HydroSym in a helicopter view. 

The Library

At the core of HydroSym is the PARO Library containing over 40,000 hydraulic components. 

It is divided in three main categories: Components, Components+ and Symbols. 

  • Symbols are simply drawing objects, they hold no specific information.
  • Components are symbols with added information such as manufacturer, type, size and datasheet. (Think of it this way: Components represent actual product parts and Symbols don’t.)     
  • Components+ is where you save previously designed schematics or parts of schematics in your own local Library for easy access in future projects. 
  • The local library is a private library folder, saved on your local or network harddrive.

Starting a new schematic

Start a schematic by: Selecting & inserting a Component from the Library

To do this use the search bar to locate a component in the Library Preview Window.

The first four characters of a manufacturers code will do…


Browse the Content Window

Now select the component, drag and release to insert into the Canvas.

An Item Number request pops up. 

If you don’t like this option deselect it here.

For now we’ll just cancel and the component comes up in blue.

Move your mouse to place it in position, 

If needed, click the spacebar to rotate in 90 degree angles,

Left click to secure, 

Move your mouse to repeat,

Left click to secure again, 

and right click to disconnect once done.

The Bill of Materials

The Bill of Materials is located here, under assist.

It automatically generates a list of all used components in the canvas.

It can be printed or exported and you can customize it to your needs.

Drawing Connection Lines

HydroSym applies Connection Lines to connect the ports of components or symbols.

  • Summon a Connection Line by the icon in the sidebar
  • or use its short key [c]
  • Select a port, the CL starts with a bright bleu square  
  • Direct the line with your mouse,
  • Left click your mouse at every ‘turn’ to secure the line this far,
  • Once you reach the desired port, right click the port to secure the line as a whole,

The CL is final now and turns orange.

  • You can also connect a port to an existing connection line
  • The orange dot is a Connection Node, needed to connect two lines

HydroSym Connection Lines are ‘smart’ because they stay connected when moving components or symbols within your design. 


Left-click on a line or text box to select your component


Use a selection window: 

  • If drawn from left to right,

only those components that are completely included, will be selected. 

  • If drawn from right to left,

all elements, also those that are partly included, will be selected.


Drag & Drop with mouse

  • To move your selection, keep your mouse button pressed while you drag two bright blue shadow components to their new location in the canvas. 
  • Once in place, release the mouse to both secure and deselect.

Arrow keys

  • Or move with the arrow keys as an alternative  


To edit a component select, right click and go to Properties, or double click on the component to open the properties

Textboxes can be edited this way as well. 


Last a few navigation tricks:

The scroll wheel zooms in and out.

Click the ‘Zoom all’ button to show the entire schematic again.

Or use its short key [home]

Panning is done by holding the middle mouse button, 

Or press [shift] and the left mouse button together.

We hope this was a useful tutorial.
To learn more, please watch our other tutorials.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team or visit support.