HydroMan, the software for designing hydraulic manifolds, is the reason that once upon a time the idea for Paro Software sparked. Actually, at the time back in the 1980s it was a couple of engineers at Paro Engineering that decided to create a tool for themselves to make it faster to design manifolds. But after their customers got a whiff of this new tool, there was no stopping them from asking Paro Engineering to share it with them too, and so Paro Software was born.
HydroMan latest upgrade creates a whole new dimension of design possibilities.

Now Paro Software is a company with its own in-house development team and users all over the world. The mission is always to listen to the users and to continuously make the software more intuitive, more flexible and easier to use. This is also the reason for this latest update and the expanded design flexibility.
A whole new dimension for hydraulic manifold design
If HydroMan was great already, now it’s gone to the “next dimension”. Our users can tell you that they have enjoyed very much the 2D possibility of seeing all walls of the manifold at once as you design, and next to it a 3D view that helps you visualize the manifold and quickly overview and check your work. With the new upgrade, HydroMan has made the whole process of designing in 2D and 3D integrated, easy, and so intuitive that we like to think it elevates manifold design to a whole new dimension! We like to call it 5D (2D + 3D).
For seasoned professionals
The power of HydroMan has always been in the flexibility of being able to design simple as well as complex manifolds quickly while minimizing possibility of human error. The extensive library of hydraulic parts adds to the speed of design by being able to click and add hydraulic parts and components. It’s a software that supports seasoned professionals in really flexing their creativity and turning their knowledge into nothing less than an art form. (Yes, we did just call designing manifolds art).
For new engineers
What HydroMan’s seamless integration between designing in 2D and 3D adds is a way for new engineers to be able to start designing and learning that much faster and easier. Designing in this new “dimension” will make spark fly from new engineers as they are given additional insights in real time as they design their manifold.
Even The Sales Team can now design manifolds
We like to think we’re bringing manifold design to the masses! While our seasoned pro’s love to use HydroMan. What they also love is how the sales team now leaves them alone to work because they themselves can use HydroMan for client quotations. How do we know this? Well we tested this on our own sales team. Even our CEO Marc (aka the sales guy) can create a functioning manifold with HydroMan! It’s a whole new world out there with the updated HydroMan.
Would you like to take look?
We're happy to show you around this new dimension with a live Demo call.
Contact us for a live video Demo of HydroMan. We are happy to demonstrate the software using your own schematic that you can send us.