Created on 03/11/2016
2016 Sun Hydraulics Corporation See for detailed product information 1 of 2
Vent-to-open, spring biased closed, unbalanced poppet logic element with pilot
source from port 1 or 2
SERIES 1 / CAPACITY: 95 L/min. / CAVITY: T-11A
These unbalanced, vent-to-open logic valves are 2-way switching elements that are spring-biased closed and
incorporate an integral shuttle so that the higher of pressures at either port 1 or port 2 can be used as a pilot
source. With port 3 blocked, the valve is held in the closed position by the spring force. With port 3 vented, the
valve will open provided there is sufficient pressure to overcome the spring force. The force generated at port 3,
plus the spring force, must be greater than the sum of the forces acting at port 1 and port 2 for the valve to remain
closed. NOTE: The pilot area (port 3) is 1.8 times the area at port 1 and 2.25 times the area at port 2.
Maximum Operating Pressure 350 bar
Maximum Valve Leakage at 110 SUS (24 cSt) 0,7 cc/min.
Pilot Volume Displacement 0,66 cc
Area Ratio, A3 to A1 1.8:1
Area Ratio, A3 to A2 2.25:1
Control Orifice Diameter 0,53 mm
Seal kit - Cartridge Buna: 990-011-007
Seal kit - Cartridge EPDM: 990-011-014
Seal kit - Cartridge Polyurethane: 990-011-002
Seal kit - Cartridge Viton: 990-011-006
X Not Adjustable
D 50 psi (3,5 bar)
N Buna-N
V Viton
Standard Material/Coating
/AP Stainless Steel, Passivated
These valves have positive seals between port 2 and the pilot area.
These valves open quickly when vented. Time to close is difficult to predict as it is dependant on the rate of flow and the pressure drop created as it closes.
Controlling 2 or more of these valves with 1 pilot control is not advised. The shuttle valve creates a flow path between the multiple elements. Using a blocking check
on the pilot of each logic valve will prevent this.
Cartridges configured with EPDM seals are for use in systems with phosphate ester fluids. Exposure to petroleum based fluids, greases and lubricants will damage
Created on 03/11/2016
2016 Sun Hydraulics Corporation See for detailed product information 2 of 2
the seals.
Because these valves are unbalanced, operation is pressure dependent. Opening and closing of the poppet are functions of the force balances on three areas: Port
1 = 100%, Port 2 = 80%, and the Pilot Area = 180%.
These valves are pressure responsive at all ports, therefore it is essential to consider all aspects of system operation through a complete cycle. Pressure changes
at any one port may cause a valve to switch from a closed to an open position, or vice versa. All possible pressure changes in the complete circuit must be
considered to assure a safe, functional system design.
All ports will accept 5000 psi (350 bar).
Corrosion resistant cartridge valves are intended for use in corrosive environments and are identified by the model code suffix /AP for external stainless steel
components, or /LH for external zinc-nickel plated components. See the CONFIGURATION section for all options. For further details, please see the Materials of
Construction page located under TECH RESOURCES.
Incorporates the Sun floating style construction to minimize the possibility of internal parts binding due to excessive installation torque and/or cavity/cartridge
machining variations.
LODD8 Vent-to-open, spring biased closed, unbalanced poppet logic element with pilot source from port 1 or 2 and integral T-8A control cavity