E 5.822.0/03.15
The IBT leaves the bypass channel open
so that a part of the  uid bypasses the
cooling element. Only when the  uid
temperature reaches the required value,
the IBT closes the bypass channel and
the  uid is cooled down. So, a too low
temperature of the  uid can be avoided
i. e. at cold starts.
This valve requires a special cooling
element with integrated bypass channel.
Therefore, it cannot be retro tted.
Temperature Bypass Valve
Technical Details
l Fixed setting temperature value
l Low pressure drop
l Works in any position
l Maintenance-free
IBT version Available closing temperatures Available opening pressure
IBT 25-x 25 °C x = 2 / 3 bar
IBT 45-x 45 °C x = 2 / 3 / 4 / 6 bar
IBT 50-x 50 °C x = 2 / 3 bar
IBT 55-2 55 °C 2 bar
IBT 60-x 60 °C x = 2 or 3 bar
IBT 65-2 65 °C 2 bar
IBT 75-2 75 °C 2 bar
IBT 80-2 80 °C 2 bar
E 5.822.0/03.15
Inlet port is always placed on the tank where the IBT is assembled.
Model Type
Please check cooler compatibility in the table.
as accessory: … / IBT 45 - 2
Opening pressure: 2, 3, 4 or 6 bar
Temperature at which IBT closes the bypass
(see table of IBT versions)
IBT = thermostatic bypass valve
as spare part: IBT 45 - 2
Opening pressure: 2, 3, 4 or 6 bar
Temperature at which IBT closes the bypass
(see table of IBT versions)
IBT = thermostatic bypass valve