Servo-Performance Proportional
Directional Valves with Feedback
Pressures to 315 bar (4500 psi)
1* Series
2 EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
General Description 3
Features and Benefits 3
Typical Section View 3
Model Code 4
Spool Data 5
Functional Symbol 5
Operating Data 6
Pressures and Flow Rates 7
Performance Curves
Flow Gain 8
Pressure Gain 8
Power Capacity Envelopes 8
Frequency Response 9
Installation Dimension 10
Subplates and Mounting Surfaces 11
Electrical Information
Block Diagram Voltage Input M1 14
Block Diagram Current Input M2 15
Typical Connection Arrangements M1 16
Typical Connection Arrangements M2 17
Application Data
Fluid Cleanliness 18
Hydraulic Fluids 18
Installation 18
Mounting Bolt Kits 18
Seal Kits 18
Electrical Connectors 18
Service Information 18
3EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
General Description
The KBSDG4V-5 line offers a
range of proportional direc-
tional valves with integral
control electronics. Factory-
set adjustments of gain and
offset ensure consistent
reproducibility valve-to-valve.
These four-way solenoid
operated proportional valves
have a high dynamic per-
formance which enables
them to be used in closed-
loop applications, previously
possible only with servo
valves. Various spool options
are available for rated flows
up to 80 L/min (21 USgpm).
Working pressures are to
315 bar (4500 psi). The spool
position is monitored by an
LVDT which feeds back infor-
mation to the amplifier,
enabling spool position to be
accurately maintained.
This valve is available with an
integral amplifier built
directly on to the valve.
The only electrical inputs
required are power supply
(24V) and a command signal,
either ±10V or 4-20 mA
(model code selectable). The
amplifier is housed in a
robust metal enclosure,
sealed against ingress of
water and other fluids.
Electrical connections are via
an industry standard 7-pin
A spool position monitor pin
allows the function of the
valve to be electrically
monitored. Ramp functions,
if required, can be generated
Features and Benefits
Wide range of zero lap
spool and flow rate
Supported by a broad
range of auxiliary function
Electronic feedback LVDT
ensures accurate spool
position control.
Internal current feedback
provides optimal control.
Vibration and shock
Full CE electromagnetic
adjustments ensure valve-
to-valve reproducibility.
Installation wiring reduced
and simplified.
Standard 7-pin connector.
Standard 24V DC supply
with wide tolerance band.
Optional command signal,
±10V or 4-20 mA (model
code selectable).
alve with integrated
amplifier selected,
ordered, delivered and
installed as one
Spool position monitor pin
to help with
Simple valve removal and
replacement for service
(plug & play).
IP67 valve, environmental
protection rating.
Optional valve enable
Typical Section View
4 EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Model Code
Va l v e type
– Servo performance
proportional valve with integral
amplifier and electronic
C o n t r ol type
– Directional valve
M o u n t i n g
– Subplate mounted
O p e r a t i o n
– Solenoid operated
P r e s s u re ra t i n g
– 315 bar (4500 psi)
I n t e r fa c e
– ISO 4401, size 05-04-0-05
H6 model code
5 ISO 4401, size 05-06-0-05
H7 model code
Spool type, c e n ter condi-
t i o n
– Zero underlap
Spool type, s p ring off s e t
c o n d i t i o n
– P,A,B,T blocked
– P blocked, A & B to tank
Note: 6 spool must be used in
H6 configuration
R a t ed flow at 70 bar
( 1000 psi) loop p pre s s u r e
d ro p
– 25 L/min (6.5 USgpm)
– 50 L/min (13.0 USgpm)
80 – 80 L/min (21.0 USgpm)
For actual maximum flow refer
to Power capacity envelope
curves, page 8-9.
Command Signal
– ±10V voltage command
– 4-20 mA current
command signal
E l e c t rical connection
– 7 pin connector without
– 7 pin connector with
– As PE7 but with pin
“C” used for enable signal
– As PC7 but with pin
“C” used for enable signal
E l e c t rical powe r
– 24V DC amplifier supply
Po rt T pre s s u re limit code
– 160 bar
– 210 bar
Design number
1* series. Subject to change
Valves with integral
amplifiers are
supplied with or without the
metal 7-pin plug.
The Vickers™ plug, part
no. 934939, must be
correctly fitted to ensure that
the EMC rating and IP67
rating are achieved. The plug
retaining nut must be
tightened with a torque of
2,0-2,5 Nm (1.5-2.0 lbf ft),
and the cable clamp (cable
outside diameter range,
8,0–10,5 mm (0.31–0.41)
inches] tightened as required
to effect a proper seal.
5EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Spool Data
Spool Symbols
Spool code Spool symbol Flow rating
For KBSDG4V-5 valves:
92L25 92L 25 L/min (6.5 USgpm)
92L50 92L 50 L/min (13 USgpm)
92L80 92L 80 L/min (21 USgpm)
96L25 96L 25 L/min (6.5 USgpm)
96L50 96L 50 L/min (13 USgpm)
96L80 96L 80 L/min (21 USgpm)
Spool Types and Flow
Symmetric Spools
Base line pressure drop
p = 35 bar (500 psi) per
metering flow path,
e . g. B to T. For actu a l
maximum flow refer to
p o wer capacity enve l o p e
c u r ve s .
Available Spools for KBSDG4V-5
Spool type 92L Spool type 96L
Functional Symbol
Model Types KBSDG4V-5
proportional directional valve (with integral electronics)
Data is typical, with fluid at 36 cST (168 SUS) and 50°C (122°F)
Power supply 24V DC (21V to 36V including 10% peak-to-peak max ripple)
max current 3,7A
Command signal
Voltage mode 0 to 10V DC, or 0 to –10V DC, or –10V to +10V DC
Input impedance 47 kΩ
Common mode voltage to pin D 18V (max)
Current mode 4-20 mA
Max differential voltage to pin E to pin B 100 mV
Input impedance for current mode 100Ω
Valve enable signal for model code PH7 & PR7
Enable >8.5V (36V max)
Disable <6.5V
Input impedance 10 kΩ
7-pin plug connector Pin Description
A Power supply positive (+)
B Power supply 0V and current command return
C Not connected (PE7 & PC7)
C Valve enable (PH7 & PR7)
D Command signal (+V or current in)
E Command signal (-V or current GND)
F Output monitor
G Protective ground
View of pins of fixed half.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): IEC61326-2-1
Zero adjustment ±18% mechanical adjustment accessible under plug
Monitor points signal
Voltage mode ±10V DC for full stroke
Output impedance 10 kΩ
Power stage PWM frequency 10 kHz nominal
Reproducibility, valve-to-valve (at factory settings):
Flow gain at 100% command signal 5%
Electrical Reverse polarity protected
Mechanical IEC 144, Class IP67
Ambient air temperature range for full performance 0°C to 70°C (32°F to 158°F)
Oil temperature range for full performance 0°C to 70°C (32°F to 158°F)
Minimum temperature at which valves
will work at reduced performance –20°C (–4°F)
Storage temperature range –25°C to +85°C (–13°F to +185°F)
Continued on next page
Operating Data
6 EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
7EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Operating Data
Pressures and Flow
H7 Option only
Maximum pressures,
bar (psi)
Port L condition Ports P, A, B T L
Normally blocked by mounting surface 315 (4500) 160 (2300) 160 (2300)
Drained directly to tank 315 (4500) 210 (3000) 10 (145)
Continued from previous page
Supporting products:
Auxiliary electronic modules (DIN-rail mounting):
EHA-CON-201-A2* signal converter See catalog GB 2410A
EHD-DSG-201-A-1* command signal generator See catalog GB 2470
EHA-RMP-201-A-2* ramp generator See catalog GB 2410A
EHA-PID-201-A-2* PID controller See catalog GB 2427
EHA-PSU-201-A-10 power supply See catalog GB 2410A
Relative duty factor Continuous rating (ED = 100%)
Hysteresis <0.5%
Step response:
Step size (% of max spool stroke): Time to reach 90% of required step:
0 to 100% 32 mS
100 to 0% 13 mS
10 to 90% 27 mS
90 to 10% 10 mS
±10 to ±10% 22 mS
±25 to ±25% 30 mS
Mass: KBSDG4V-5 5,9 kg (13 lb) approx.
Flow Gain
Flow from port P-A-B-T or P-B-A-T at 70 bar (1000 psi) total
valve p (35 bar (500 psi) per metering edge)
8 EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Pressure Gain
p between ports A and B or B and A, as % of port P
Power Capacity Envelopes
KBSDG4V-5-9*L25 At other pressure drop (p) values, flow rates Qx
approximate to:
where Q
= Datum flow rate
= Pressure drop at datum flow rate
= Required p
Limited by valve capacity. Refer to Power Capacity
9EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Frequency Response, typical
For amplitudes of ±5%, ±10%, ±25% with zero offset.
p (P to T) = 70 bar (1000 psi)
KBSDG4V-5-9*L50 KBSDG4V-5-9*L80
Power Capacity Envelopes
Frequency Response
Looped flow at 70 bar valve pressure drop
Amplitudes based on % of rated flow
10 EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
mm (inch)
Amplifier and solenoid assembly may be rotated 90° as
shown by removing 4 screws shown X.
Re-torque to 13-15 Nm (10-11 lbf ft)
Mounting surface seals supplied. For mounting surfa c e
dimensions and subplate options see page 8.
Bleed screw locations
Air bleed, socket head cap screw
Torque to 2,5-3,0 Nm (2.0-2.5 lbf ft )
Valves with integral
amplifiers are
supplied with or without the
metal 7-pin plug.
The Vickers™ plug, part
no. 934939, must be
correctly fitted to ensure that
the EMC rating and IP67
rating are achieved. The plug
retaining nut must be
tightened with a torque of
2,0-2,5 Nm (1.5-2.0 lbf ft) to
effect a proper seal.
11EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Subplates and
General Description
When a subplate is not used,
a m a chined pad must be
p r o vided for va l ve mounting.
Pad must be flat within
0 , 0127 mm (.0005 inch) and
smooth within 1,6 µm (63
m i c r o i n ch). Mounting bolts,
when provided by customer,
should be ISO 898 class 12 . 9
or bett e r.
Dimensional Tolerances
Dimensional tolerance on
interface drawings is ±0,2
mm (±0.008”) except where
otherwise stated. ISO 4401
specifies inch conversion to
Conversion from Metric
ISO 4401 gives dimensions
in mm. Inch conversions are
accurate to 0.01” unless
otherwise stated.
Mounting Bolt Tappings
ISO 4401 gives metric thread
tappings. Alternate UNC
tappings are Eaton
recommendations that allow
these plates and associated
valves to be used up to their
maximum pressures, when
using Eaton recommended
bolt kits, or bolts of an
equivalent strength. It is
recommended that
Customer’s own manifold
blocks for UNC bolts should
be tapped to the minimum
depths given in the
Installation Dimensions
Subplates with Rear Ports P,
T, A, B, Maximum Pressure
210 bar (3000 psi)
Model Ports P, T, A, B Threads
210 bar (3000 psi) KDGSM-5-676805-2 3/4” -16 UNF-2B x 14,0 (0.56) full thread depth
280 bar (4000 psi) EKDGSM-01Y-10-R G 1/2 (1/2” BSPF) x 15,0 90.59 full thread depth
Dimensions Model C E F G H J K M N W
210 bar (3000 psi) 45,2 42,1 19,0 68,3 45,2 23,8 42,1 31,8 23,8 57,1
KDGSM-5-676805-2 (1.78) (1.66) (0.75) (2.69) (1.78) (0.94) (1.66) (1.25) (0.94) (2.25)
280 bar (4000 psi) 39,7 40,5 9,9 70,6 39,7 10,7 40,5 36,5 28,6 72,6
EKDGSM-01Y-10-R (1.56) (1.59) (0.39) (2.78) (1.56) (0.42) (1.59) (1.44) (1.13) (2.86)
Model type KDGSM-5-676805-2*
(with rear port L))
Model type EKDGSM-01Y-1*-R
(with side port L))
12 EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Subplates and
Installation Dimensions
Subplates with Rear Ports P,
T, A, B, L, Maximum
Pressure 315 bar (4500 psi)
Model types:
All dimensions in mm
Ports P, T, A, B
Model Y Thread Z diameter
KDGSM-5-615225-10 G1/2 (1/2” BSPF) x 14,0 (0.55) full thread depth 30,0 (1.18)
KDGSM-5-615226-10 G3/4 (3/4” BSPF) X 16,0 (0.63) full thread depth 33,0 (1.30)
13EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Mounting Surface
Interface to ISO 4401
(Size 05)
This interface conforms to:
ISO 4401-05-04-0-05
ANSI/B93.7M (and NFPA)
size 05
CETOP R35H4.2-05
DIN 24340 Form A10
Interface with Additional
Drain Port
The interface conforms to:
ISO 4401-05-06-0-05, plus
hole “L
Typically used for
proportional and other valves
requiring an additional drain
14 EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
All power must be
switched off before
connecting or disconnecting
any plugs.
Pin C is used for a valve enable signal with electrical connections PH7 and PR7.
Block Diagram
Voltage Input (M1)
Command Signals and Outputs, M1
7-pin plug Flow direction
Pin D Pin E
Positive OV
P to AOV Negative
- U
= Positive
Negative OV
P to BOV Positive
- U
= Negative
KBSDG4V-5 Wiring
Connections must be made
via the 7-pin plug mounted
on the amplifier. See page
16-17 of this leaflet and
Eatons Installation Wiring
Practices for Vickers™
Electronic Products, leaflet
2468. Recommended cable
sizes are shown below:
Power cables:
For 24V supply
0,75 mm
(18 AWG) up to
20m (65 ft)
1,00 mm
(16 AWG) up to
40m (130 ft)
Signal cables:
0,50 mm
(20 AWG)
Screen (shield):
A suitable cable would have
7 cores, a separate screen
for the signal wires and an
overall screen.
Cable outside diameter
8,0–10,5 mm (0.31–0.41
See connection diagram on
page 16.
15EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
KBSDG4V-5 Wiring
Connections must be made
via the 7-pin plug mounted
on the amplifier. See page
16-17 of this leaflet and
Eatons Installation Wiring
Practices for Vickers™
Electronic Products, leaflet
2468. Recommended cable
sizes are shown below:
Power cables:
For 24V supply
0,75 mm
(18 AWG) up to
20m (65 ft)
1,00 mm
(16 AWG) up to
40m (130 ft)
Signal cables:
0,50 mm
(20 AWG)
Screen (shield):
A suitable cable would have
7 cores, a separate screen
for the signal wires and an
overall screen.
Cable outside diameter
8,0–10,5 mm (0.31–0.41
See connection diagram on
page 17.
Block Diagram
Current Input (M2)
All power must be
switched off before
any plugs.
Pin C is used for a valve enable signal with electrical connections PH7 and PR7.
R1 shunt resistor 100R
F1, F2 resettable fuse
Command Signals and Outputs, M2
7-pin plug
Pin D Pin E Pin B Flow direction
More than Current Power
12 mA return ground P to A
Less than Current Power
12 mA return ground P to B
16 EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Wiring Connections
Voltage Input (M1)
Spool position monitor
voltage (pin F) will be
referenced to the KB valve
local ground.
Do not ground pin C.
Wiring Connections for M1
Valves with Enable Feature
Note: In applications
where the valve must
conform to European
RFI/EMC regulations, the
outer screen (shield) must
be connected to the outer
shell of the 7 pin connector,
and the valve body must be
fastened to the earth ground.
Proper earth grounding
practices must be observed
in this case, as any
differences in command
source and valve ground
potentials will result in a
screen (shield) ground loop.
17EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Compatibility (EMC)
It is necessary to ensure that
the valve is wired up as
above. For effective
protection the user electrical
cabinet, the valve subplate or
manifold and the cable
screens should be
connected to efficient
ground points. The metal 7
pin connector part no.
934939 should be used for
the integral amplifier.
In all cases both valve and
cable should be kept as far
away as possible from any
sources of electromagnetic
radiation such as cables
carrying heavy current, relays
and certain kinds of portable
radio transmitters, etc.
Difficult environments could
mean that extra screening
may be necessary to avoid
the interference.
It is important to connect the
0V lines as shown above.
The multi-core cable should
have at least two screens to
separate the demand signal
and monitor output from the
power lines.
The enable line to pin C
should be outside the screen
which contains the demand
signal cables.
Wiring Connections
Current Input (M2)
Spool position monitor
voltage (pin F) will be
referenced to the KB valve
local ground.
Do not ground pin C.
Wiring Connections for M2
Valves with Enable Feature
Note: In applications
where the valve must
conform to European
RFI/EMC regulations, the
outer screen (shield) must
be connected to the outer
shell of the 7 pin connector,
and the valve body must be
fastened to the earth ground.
Proper earth grounding
practices must be observed
in this case, as any
differences in command
source and valve ground
potentials will result in a
screen (shield) ground loop.
18 EATON Vickers Proportional Directional Valves with Feedback KBSDG4V-5, V-VLPO-MC006-E August 2008
Fluid Cleanliness
Proper fluid condition is
essential for long and
satisfactory life of hydraulic
components and systems.
Hydraulic fluid must have the
correct balance of
cleanliness, materials and
additives for protection
against wear of components,
elevated viscosity and
inclusion of air.
Recommendations on
contamination control
methods and the selection of
products to control fluid
condition are included in
Eatons publication 9132 or
561, “Vickers™ Guide to
Systemic Contamination
Control”. The book also
includes information on the
Eaton concept of “ProActive
Maintenance. The following
recommendations are based
on ISO cleanliness levels at 2
µm, 5 µm and 15 µm.
For products in this catalog
the recommended levels are:
0 to 70 bar (1000 psi):
70+ bar (1000 + psi):
Eaton products, as any
components, will operate
with apparent satisfaction in
fluids with higher cleanliness
codes than those described.
Other manufacturers will
often recommend levels
above those specified.
Experience has shown,
however, that life of any
hydraulic components is
shortened in fluids with
higher cleanliness codes
than those listed above.
These codes have been
proven to provide a long
trouble-free service life for
the products shown,
regardless of the
Hydraulic Fluids
Materials and seals used in
these valves are compatible
with antiwear hydraulic oils,
and non-alkyl-based
phosphate esters. The
extreme operating viscosity
range is 500 to 13 cSt (2270
to 70 SUS) but the
recommended running range
is 54 to 13 cSt (245 to 70
The proportional valves in
this catalog can be mounted
in any attitude, but it may be
necessary in certain
demanding applications, to
ensure that the solenoids are
kept full of hy
draulic fluid.
Good installation practice
dictates that the tank port
and any drain port are piped
so as to keep the valves full
of fluid once the system
start-up has been completed.
Mounting Bolt Kits
BKDG01633M (metric)
BKDPNG40706 (inch)
If not using Eaton
recommended bolt kits,
bolts used should be to
ISO 898, 12.9 or better.
Seal Kits
KBSDG4V-5 ..........02-332751
Electrical Connectors
7-pin plug (metal).......934939
7-pin plug (plastic)......694534
(metal plug must be used for
full EMC protection)
Service Information
The products from this range
are preset at the factory for
optimum performance;
disassembling critical items
would destroy these
settings. It is therefore
recommended that should
any mechanical or electronic
repair be necessary they
should be returned to the
nearest Eaton repair center.
The products will be
refurbished as necessary and
retested to specification
before retur.
Field repair is restricted to
the replacement of the seals.
The feedback/solenoid
assembly installed in this
valve should not be
Typical Part Numbers and Model Codes
5996524-001 KBSDG4V-5-92L-50-M1-PE7-H7-11 5996528-001 KBSDG4V-5-96L-50-M1-PE7-H7-11
5996525-001 KBSDG4V-5-92L-80-M1-PC7-H7-11 5996533-001 KBSDG4V-5-96L-50-M2-PE7-H7-11
5996526-001 KBSDG4V-5-92L-80-M1-PE7-H7-11 5996529-001 KBSDG4V-5-96L-80-M1-PC7-H7-11
5996527-001 KBSDG4V-5-92L-80-M1-PH7-H7-11 5996530-001 KBSDG4V-5-96L-80-M1-PE7-H7-11
5996532-001 KBSDG4V-5-92L-80-M2-PE7-H7-11 5996531-001 KBSDG4V-5-96L-80-M1-PH7-H7-11
© 2007 Eaton Corporation
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA
Document No. V-VLPO-MC006-E
Supersedes 5071.03/EN/1097/A
August 2008
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