2. Main opening
With further increase in the pilot pressure at X, the pilot spool
opens further and the reduced pressure behind the control
spool falls still more. The load pressure acting on the differ-
ential area of the control spool now pushes the spool off its
valve seat in the opening direction until the pressures of the
oilflows into, and out of, the control spool have changed
enough to produce a situation of force balance.
The pilot pressure acting on the pilot piston therefore con-
trols the open metering area of the control spool, and conse-
quently the flow rate from B → A. The pilot valve is compen-
sated and is unaffected by any back−pressure in port A that
may occur.
The opening point of each excavator pipe−rupture valve is
precisely matched to the particular make/model of exca-
vator and is set to the required value on the test stand with
adjusting screw (4). With the optional stroke limiter (9), the
pilot spool stroke can also be restricted. This in turn in-
fluences the lowering speed.
Function of the secondary pressure−relief valve
The pilot valve for the pressure−relief valve is connected di-
rectly to actuator port B. When the pressure set with spring
(3) is reached, the poppet (5) opens and unloads the rear
side of the control spool (6) to port L. The load pressure, act-
ing on the differential area of the control spool, now pushes
the spool fully open and opens the B−to−A flow path for the
full rated flow. The pilot valve is not connected to the return
line and is therefore unaffected by any back−pressure in port
A that may occur. With a closed−centre directional valve, no
pressure summing occurs with the necessary series−con-
nected downstream pressure−relief valve. The secondary
pressure can be set at any desired level with the adjusting
screw (10).
Attention: when the pilot valve for the secondary
pressure relief function opens, there is a pilot flow
of 9 l/min per valve to port L. The pressure in the
L−line has a 1:1 effect on the setting of the pres-
sure−relief valve. To ensure that the performance
characteristics are not affected, the drain line
should be sized so that the back−pressure never
exceeds 10 bar.
Leakage−oil drain
The leakage oil from both pilot cartridges as well as their
spring chambers is drained to port L. This port should be
drained to tank with the least possible back−pressure. Any
tank preload− or back−pressure in the drain line has a 1:1 ef-
fect on the opening values of both pilot valves.
Emergency−lowering screw BL
An optional emergency−lowering screw (11) can be incorpo-
rated. The actuator is vented to port L through a ø3 connect-
ing drilling that is normally shut off. The screw cannot be
completely unscrewed.
Attention: when emergency lowering has been
completed, the screw must be screwed in again to
reestablish the valve’s function!